Publications are linked to PDF files where possible
Mayaud JR, Anderson S, Tran M, Radic V. (2019). Urban Science.
Frank L, Mayaud JR, Hong A, Fisher P, Kershaw S. (2019). Journal of Planning Education and Research.
Electrification of road freight transport: Policy implications for British Columbia.
Talebian H, Herrrera O, Tran M, Merida W. (2018). Energy Policy.
Insights from self-organizing maps for characterizing accessibility to healthcare networks.
Mayaud JR, Anderson S, Tran M, Radic V. (2018). Complex Networks Conference Proceedings, Cambridge, UK.
Lopez-Behar D, Tran M, Mayaud JR, Froese T, Herrera O, Merida W. (2018). Energy Research & Social Science.
Lopez-Behar D, Tran M, Froese T, Mayaud JR, Herrera O, Merida W. (2018). Energy Policy.
Future access to essential services in a growing smart city: The case of Surrey, British Columbia.
Mayaud JR, Tran, M, Pereira RHM, Nuttall R. (2018). Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
Sustainable infrastructure: energy-waste interdependency.
Tran M et al. (2017) Chapter 6 in Sustainable Futures in the Built Environment to 2050: A Foresight Approach to Construction and Development (Eds. Dixon, T, Connaughton, J., Green, S.). Wiley-Blackwell, UK.
Reform of freshwater abstraction.
Mayaud JR, Wentworth J. (2017). POSTnote. Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology, UK.
A general framework for analyzing techno-behavioural dynamics on networks.
Tran M. (2016) Environmental Modelling & Software, 78:225 - 233.
The Future of National Infrastructure: a system-of-systems approach.
Hall JW, Tran M, Hickford AJ, Nichols RJ. (eds.) Cambridge University Press, UK, 2016.
Introducing national infrastructure assessment.
Hall JW, Hickford AJ, Nichols RJ, Tran M. (2016) Chapter 1 in Hall et al. (eds.) Future Infrastructure: a system-of-systems approach. Cambridge University Press, UK.
A framework for analysing long-term performance of interdependent infrastructure systems.
Hall JW, Otto A, Hickford AJ, Nichols RJ, Tran M. (2016) Chapter 2 in Hall et al. (eds.) Future Infrastructure: a system-of-systems approach. Cambridge University Press, UK.
Digital communications and information systems.
Oughton E, Tran M, Jones C, Ebrahimy R. (2016) Chapter 10 in Hall et al. (eds.) Future Infrastructure: a system-of-systems approach. Cambridge University Press, UK.
Assessing the performance of national infrastructure strategies.
Tran M, Hall JW, Nichols RJ, Hickford AJ. (2016) Chapter 11 in Hall et al. (eds.) Future Infrastructure: a system-of-systems approach. Cambridge University Press, UK.
Quantifying interdependencies: transport-energy and energy-water.
Tran M, Byers E, Blainey SP, Barua P, Chaudry M, Qadrdan M, Eyre N, Jenkins N. (2016) Chapter 12 in Hall et al. (eds.) Future Infrastructure: a system-of-systems approach. Cambridge University Press, UK.
The complete picture: a vision of long-term infrastructure provision.
Hall JW, Nichols RJ, Tran M, Hickford AJ. (2016). Chapter 16 in Hall et al. (eds.) Future Infrastructure: a system-of-systems approach. Cambridge University Press, UK.
Water use and water availability constraints to decarbonized electricity systems.
Byers E, Qadrdan M, Hall JW, Amezaga J, Chaudry M, Kilsby C, Tran M, Alderson D. (2016) European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2016, Vienna Austria.
Cooling water for Britain's future electricity supply.
Byers EA, Qadrdan M, Leathard A, Alderson D, Hall JW, Amesaga JM, Tran M, Kilsby CG, Chaudry M. (2015) Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Energy, 168: 188 – 204.
Creating an ensemble of future strategies for national infrastructure provision.
Hickford, A.J., Nicholls, R.J., Otto, A., Hall, J.W., Blainey, S.P., Tran, M. and Baruah, P. (2015) Futures, 66: 13-24.
Visualisation tools for multi-perspective, cross-sector, long-term infrastructure performance evaluation.
Alderson D, Barr S, Tran M, Hall JW, Otto A, Hickford A, Byers E. (2014) International Symposium for Next Generation Infrastructure 2014, Vienna, Austria, 29 Sep - 02 Oct 2014.
Energy system impacts from heat and transport electrification.
Baruah PJ, Eyre N, Qadrdan M, Chaudry M, Blainey S, Hall JW, Jenkins N, Tran M. (2014) Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Energy, 167(3): 139-151.
A national model for strategic planning of infrastructure systems.
Hall JW, Otto A, Tran M, Barr S, Alderson D. (2014) Vulnerability, Uncertainty and Risk: 2821-2829.
A quantified system-of-systems modeling framework for robust national infrastructure planning.
Otto A, Hall JW, Hickford AJ, Alderson D, Barr S, Tran M. (2014) IEEE Systems Journal, 99: 1-12.
Modeling sustainability transitions on complex networks.
Tran M. (2014) Complexity, 19: 8-22.
Tran M, Brand C, Banister D. (2014) Journal of Power Sources, 251: 130-136.
Tran M, Hall JW, Hickford A, Nicholls R, Alderson D, Barr S, Baruah P, Beavan R, Birkin M, Blainey S, Byers E, Chaudry M, Curtis T, Ebrahimy R, Eyre N, Hiteva R, Jenkins N, Jones C, Kilsby C, Leathard A, Manning L, Otto A, Oughton E, Powrie W, Preston J, Qadrdan M, Thoung C, Tyler P, Watson J, Watson G. and Zuo C. (2014) Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford. ISBN: 978-1-874370-52-9.
Evaluating the impacts of V2G on the costs of owning and operating electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
Bishop JDK, Axon CJ, Bonilla D, Tran M, Banister D, McCulloch MD. (2013) Applied Energy, 111: 206-218.
Brand C, Anable J, Tran M. (2013) Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 49: 132-148.
The role of fiscal car purchasing incentives in a future low carbon transport system.
Brand C, Anable J, Tran M. (2013) Proceedings of the World Conference of Transportation Research 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 July.
Future energy mix and transport.
Tran M. (2013) Chapter 8 in, Givoni, M. and Banister, D. (eds.) Moving Towards Low Carbon Mobility. Edward Elgar, London. pp. 111-128. ISBN: 978-1-78100-722-8.
Simulating early adoption of alternative fuel vehicles for sustainability.
Tran M, Banister D, Bishop JDK, McCulloch MD. (2013) Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 80(5): 865-875.
Modelling transport energy demand: A socio-technical approach.
Anable J, Brand C, Tran M, Eyre N. (2012) Energy Policy, 41: 125-138.
Bishop JDK, Axon CJ, Tran M, Banister D, Bonilla D, McCulloch MD (2012) Fuel, 99: 88-105.
The UK transport carbon model: an integrated life cycle approach to explore low carbon futures.
Brand C, Tran M, Anable J. (2012) Energy Policy, 41: 107-124.
Agent-behaviour and network influence on energy innovation diffusion.
Tran M. (2012) Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17(9): 3682-3695.
Technology-behavioural modelling of energy innovation diffusion in the UK.
Tran M. (2012) Applied Energy, 96: 1-11.
Realizing the electric-vehicle revolution.
Tran M, Banister D, Bishop JDK, McCulloch MD. (2012) Nature Climate Change, 2: 328-333.
Bishop JDK, Axon CJ, Banister D, Bonilla D, Tran M, McCulloch MD. (2011) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(5): 9382-9395.
Low carbon car taxation and its potential to accelerate transitions to a low carbon transport sector in the UK.
Brand C, Tran M, Anable J. (2011) The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE). Conference Proceedings, Energy efficiency First: ISBN: 978-91-633-4455-8.
20% transport - how we may get there.
Brand C, Anable J, Tran M. (2009) Royal Geographical Society - Annual International Conference, Manchester, UK, August 2009.
Programmes & Opportunities
Master of Engineering Leadership
in Urban Systems
Go to the MEL Urban Systems webpage
All urban infrastructure has potential environmental, social and economic impacts. The challenge is to identify, develop or deploy the best tools and thinking in terms of both engineering and planning to tackle these challenges, ultimately making cities more livable and environmentally friendly. Cities represent places where we can make a difference: they are the spaces where we can make the greatest positive gains if we can improve efficiencies or change behaviour.
Future leaders in the field of urban systems need both technical depth and an ability to see the big picture. Students can develop these two perspectives in the Master of Engineering Leadership in Urban Systems program, which brings together UBC’s expertise in the field of engineering with its strengths in social, long-term and regional-level planning through the School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP). In addition, students benefit from the courses offered through the Sauder School of Business on sustainability leadership and business.
For mid-career professionals, the intense one-year nature of this program is an excellent way to be enriched by UBC’s academic atmosphere, gain access to all the events and activities available on campus, and be exposed to cutting-edge research in the areas of architecture, engineering, planning and business.